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Union Resources

Research shows that having a union means having a better job and protections. Now more than ever, employees need every advantage to earn a fair wage, good benefits, and a secure retirement. Being an SEIU 521 member provides a treasure chest of resources to secure the best contract.
Become an SEIU 521 member

Member Resource Center (MRC): 1-833-SEIU-521 (1-833-734-8521)
We have you covered! Our SEIU Local 521 Member Resource Center connects you with an experienced, knowledgeable contract enforcement specialist who’s ready to help you with: Rights, Representation & Benefits. Members can call the MRC at 1-833-SEIU-521 (1-833-734-8521) anytime during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., where our Specialists are ready to provide union representation, answer questions about union member benefits, walk workers through their union rights in any given situation, and connect them with a union steward at their worksite when needed.
Click here for more information or to send an email to the MRC.

Strong Stewards
SEIU 521 provides ongoing training for stewards to keep members informed in the workplace, ensure the contract is enforced, and problem-solve issues before they become grievances.

Experienced Organizers
At SEIU 521, members are at the forefront of any campaign, whether its contract bargaining, political action, or speaking to the media.

Our experienced union organizers negotiate contracts, help guide members in developing leadership skills, assist in creating strategic campaign plans, help members hold politicians accountable, and facilitate member communication through newsletters and meetings.

Organizers use their extensive knowledge of labor rights and contract language to help members win the best contract for their worksite.

Are you getting paid what you’re worth? How do your benefits stack up with comparable workplaces? SEIU 521’s Research Department sifts through the data, crunches the numbers and gets to the bottom of these types of questions. Our Researchers carry out a wide range of responsibilities to support members, including conducting wage comparisons; analyzing state and local budgets; and staying ahead of government policies and legislation that affect public employees. After all, the more you know, the better you can negotiate.

In order to secure a good contract, it is critical for public sector employees to work with our elected officials. That’s when having a Political Department provides an advantage. Along with member participation, Political Organizers help build relationships with elected leaders, help elect candidates who represent working families and help members hold politicians accountable.

Effective messaging helps members win. That’s what the SEIU 521 Communications Department excels at. Working with members, Communications Specialists make sure our strategic, effective messaging cuts through the clutter and gets to the public through traditional news media, as well as a host of social media tools, including our 521 website, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

Do you need to speak at a public meeting or talk to a reporter? Fear not. Our Communications staff also helps members get prepared for delivering their message clearly and on point.

For Our Members

As a union member, this statement could save your job:

"If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated I respectfully request that my steward be present at the meeting. Without representation present, I choose not to respond to any questions or statements."

Being a union member has its benefits.

Contact SEIU 521 Member Resource Center (MRC) for assistance.

Find out the resources we have for our union members.