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MemberLink – My Union, My News

Looking for news and information about your chapter?
Don’t miss the latest union news: Connect to our member-only website for direct access to your union contract and contacts!
Log-in or create Your MemberLink Account Today:
What is MemberLink?
How to Create Your Account
How to Save MemberLink on YourΒ Mobile Devices

What is MemberLink?

MemberLink is a secure website for our members.Β It’s specially designed to provide union news that matters to you, with personalized content and information targeted to your workplace. MemberLink content is unique to you, your employer and your contract. All the information you need to have power in the workplaceΒ is at your fingertips through an easily-navigated, personalized homepage.
MemberLink allows you to:

  • Get direct access to your contract, as well as exclusive member benefits, coupons and discounts.
  • Easily contact the right people if you have an issue at work.
  • Consult the β€œKnow Your Rights” online videos and articles to learn more about your union protected rights.
  • See the latest information about your contract negotiations, and other relevant news for your workplace and your region

How to Create Your Account

Go toΒ
Click on the β€œSign Up Now” button under β€œFirst Time Here?”
On the next page, enter your first name and last name the same way it’sΒ listed in your employee file and in our member database. For example, if your first name is officially Michael, and you go by Mike, please type Michael.
Choose a password and confirm it on the next line.
EnterΒ your personal email address. This will now be your user name.
Option 1: Type your SEIU 521 Union Member ID.
Option 2: TypeΒ the last four digits of your employee number and select your employer.
Only use one of the two options, not both, when creating your account.
If you don’t know your Member ID or have trouble creating your account, call your SEIU 521 union office.
Review the list of Topics of Interest, then click on Register.
Once logged in, click on β€œHome Page” and sign your prefilled membership card!

How to Save MemberLink on YourΒ Mobile Devices

Save MemberLink on your home screen and connect anytime, anywhereΒ from your cell phone or tablet:

Adding MemberLink to Home Screen
Now you can use MemberLink just like an app without worrying about management peeking into your union activity.