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Join SEIU 521 Today!

Being a union member has its benefits. Join together for a stronger voice for better wages and working conditions!
1. The higher our membership, the more power we have at the bargaining table, and the better our chances of winning a good contract. The power of our union is in its numbers.
2. Only members have a vote โ€” in choosing who runs the union, whether we go on strike, and whether or not to ratify a contract or increase dues.
3. Members are eligible for many benefits, including scholarship awards, services, discounts, and coupons.
Become a member or renew your membership today!
Interested, but have a question?

SEIU 521 Coupons & Discounts

Create or log-in to your MemberLink account to get exclusive coupons & discounts for SEIU Local 521 members.

Scholarships & College Programs

SEIU Local 521, APALA Caucus, and Union Plus award yearly college scholarship opportunities that enable members and their children to pursue their educational goals at colleges, universities, labor study programs, and technical schools.

Here is a brand new benefit, available to members, their spouse, children, financial dependents, and grandchildren. Check out the new program here.
Free College Benefit

SEIU Member Benefits

As an SEIU member or retiree, youโ€™re entitled to discounts on a wide range of products and services: Financial Services, shopping, entertainment, family services, travel and recreation, and much more. Over the coming months weโ€™ll be rolling out even more benefit programs, so please check back often to see whatโ€™s new. If you encounter issues accessing the SEIU Member Benefits, please contact the service center at 844-836-7348 or
Have a look and start saving!
A college degree within your reach! 
SEIU has partnered with Southern New Hampshire University to offer the College for America programs to our members. These groundbreaking programs are flexible, affordable, and workplace-relevant. The associateโ€™s and bachelorโ€™s degree programs are dedicated to helping you develop valuable skills and gain experience in technology, communication, team-building, and more that you can immediately apply to your workโ€”all at a low cost.
Learn more or enroll today!

Union Plus

(Includes Legal Assistance, Find a lawyer, etc.)
Donโ€™t see what youโ€™re looking for? Need assistance?
Call 1-800-472-2005 (8:30 a.m. โ€“ 4:30 p.m. ET, weekdays) or complete the Union Plus Feedback Form.

Retiree Chapter

Did you know that you can continue to be involved in your union during retirement?
Click here for more information and learn more about these benefits.

For Our Members โ€บ

As a union member, this statement could save your job:

"If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated I respectfully request that my steward be present at the meeting. Without representation present, I choose not to respond to any questions or statements."

Being a union member has its benefits.

Contact SEIU 521 Member Resource Center (MRC) for assistance.

Find out the resources we have for our union members.