Fight Back to Protect Medicaid, Healthcare and Our Jobs - Learn More Attempts by the Federal Government to gut public services are dangerous and illegal, and we won't let it happen.

At SEIU Local 521, our mission is to provide our members with a voice in the workplace, in their union and in the larger community. Through our actions, we intend to create a more just and humane society. We are committed to protecting and improving the lives of workers and their families. We will work to improve and protect the services we provide to our communities. We believe that by working together as a united front, we can win better contracts and build industry power in our region.

Are you represented by SEIU 521 at your workplace? Our strength lies in our unity and our numbers. With more union members, we have more power to win better contracts, and a stronger voice together with our co-workers to protect our rights, healthcare, and retirement benefits.

Become a Member

Don’t have a union at your workplace? People form unions at their workplaces because it gives us the strength in numbers to improve our jobs and our communities. Are you looking to organize a union with your co-workers? Have questions about forming a union? Get started today!

Form A Union

For Our Members

As a union member, this statement could save your job:

"If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated I respectfully request that my steward be present at the meeting. Without representation present, I choose not to respond to any questions or statements."

Being a union member has its benefits.

Contact SEIU 521 Member Resource Center (MRC) for assistance.

Find out the resources we have for our union members.

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Family Child Care

As Family Child Care Providers, we know that in partnership with the families we serve, we strengthen the physical, cognitive and emotional growth of our children. With that same spirit of unity and commitment, Family Child Care Providers are working together to build and grow our union. We will have a seat at the table to improve the early care and education system, our working conditions and the lives of working families in California.

Cuidado Infantil En Familia

Como proveedoras de cuidado infantil, sabemos que junto a las familias a las que servimos, fortalecemos el desarrollo y crecimiento físico, cognitivo y emocional de nuestros niños. Con ese mismo espíritu de unidad y compromiso, las Proveedoras de Cuidado Infantil en Familia estamos trabajando juntas para formar y crecer nuestra unión. Seremos la voz y el voto para mejorar nuestro sistema de educación temprana, nuestras condiciones de trabajo y las vidas de las familias trabajadoras en California.