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A recent report found that renters in Santa Cruz County need to earn $50.96 per hour – more than four times state minimum wage – to afford the median monthly asking rent of $2,650. Additionally, when factoring in high housing costs, Santa Cruz County’s poverty rate increases from 13.8 percent to 24.8 percent, one of the highest in the state.
That’s why SEIU 521 members are working towards finding a solution to this crisis. In a survey we participated in with UCSC, over 90% of the SEIU 521 members surveyed said they wanted to see our union get more involved in the affordable housing fight. You can see the preliminary results of that survey here.
What can you do?
This is an unprecedented moment when we can address the high cost of housing in 5 different ways all at once. On the ballot this November, there are 5 different opportunities we have endorsed to increase the supply of affordable housing on the Central Coast and solve the crisis that is displacing so many of our coworkers and neighbors. We can’t miss this chance.
In this newsletter you will find: Invest in a “Healthy Future Now” Fighting Together Amid COVID-19Tell Your Senators to #ProtectAllWorkers: Pass the HEROES Act Their Fight Is Our Fight #JusticeForGeorge Reminder – SEIU 521 Scholarship Deadline this Sund…