Member Caucuses, Councils & Committees
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(Caucus Events Across Our Union)
Our union is more than just an organization that files grievances against bad bosses. We mean it when we say “Community First” – and it starts with member involvement in our caucuses and committees. Our Social Economic Justice Committee (SEJ) engages in social, political and civil rights issues, and works to create a more just society for future generations.
Get Involved!
Join one of our Caucuses, Committees and Industry Councils to help out your union and the community!
To get information on how to join, please email:
AFRAM Caucus
The National African American Caucus (AFRAM) of the Service Employees Union (SEIU) is committed to enhancing opportunities for education, training, mentorship, leadership development and networking … Continued
API Caucus
The Asian Pacific Islander (API) Caucus aims to collaborate with community organizations to address social, economic, housing, working conditions, health, and other issues of concern … Continued
Latino Caucus
Mission and Statement To Organize, Educate and Develop the Latino people in order to achieve power, respect and social justice for the working class. Organizar, … Continued
Lavender Caucus
The purpose of the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender (LGBT) caucus is to facilitate open and respectful communication between the community and the labor movement by increasing the visibility … Continued
Native American Caucus
Our Native American Caucus works to promote involvement, social justice, awareness, and education in SEIU, the labor movement, and the Native American community. Events & … Continued
People Working With Disabilities Caucus
Our People Working With Disabilities Caucus is a group of workers who have physical or mental disabilities and/or work with or are interested in issues about … Continued
Women’s Caucus
We are working union women empowering our community. Women’s Caucus members are very active in our community. We support and participate in many events that … Continued
Industry Councils
Developmental Disabilities Council
The SEIU California Developmental Disabilities Council was formed in 2007 and is made up of direct support and regional center workers at our 19 DD … Continued
Eligibility Worker Industry Council
Join Our Next Meeting: Eligibility Worker Quarterly Steering Committee Meeting Next meeting: TBD By video conference from SEIU Local 521 offices (Bakersfield, Fresno, San Jose, … Continued
Nurse Alliance
Learn about the SEIU Nurse Alliance of California (NA of CA), an organization of nurses, for nurses, and by nurses, improving nurses’ worksites and delivery of … Continued
COPE (Committee on Political Education)
According to a new study released by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), the typical worker — whether a union member or not — would be … Continued
Communications Committee
If you’d like to join, please email Mission Statement Our purpose is to propose, advise and make recommendations to the Executive Board and staff. … Continued
Committee on Comprehensive Immigration Reform Launched
The Committee on Comprehensive Immigration Reform of Local 521 launched with enthusiasm on May 7.
Retirement Security for All Committee
California is in the midst of a retirement crisis. SEIU Local 521 is working to strengthen our social security system, reform public pensions and help deliver … Continued
SEIU Local 521 Retiree Chapter
“Did you know that as a former SEIU Local 521 member, you are eligible to continue your membership in our Union as a member of … Continued
Social and Economic Justice (SEJ) Committee
The SEJ is committed to developing and implementing the Social Economic Justice agenda for Local 521. The committee discusses and analyzes current social, economic, political, … Continued