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Family Child Care Providers know first firsthand the importance of access to quality early childhood education and its impact on children and our communities. That’s why hundreds of early childhood educators are standing together as a union so that we can have a voice in fixing and improving our child care system. Together, we have the power to address the issues facing our children, our communities, and our profession.

As a union, we are fighting to improve reimbursement rates and secure additional resources to better serve our children. We are building networks of early childhood educators locally in our communities to empower one another and provide the resources we need to best serve the children in our care. As a union, we are also building a movement to win the right to negotiate a union contract that raises standards and lifts up us and families we serve.

We can go further by working together. If you’re ready to make a difference in the future of child care in California, become a member of SEIU Local 521 by clicking here.

Learn more: www.childcareprovidersunited.org

Hear what these SEIU 521 Family Child Care Providers have to say about the power of their union

celeste galeno
anna rodriguez-2