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Free College Benefit and more!

Being a union member has its benefits. Join together for a stronger voice for better wages and working conditions!

  1. The higher our membership, the more power we have to win collective bargaining rights.Working together gives us a voice in fixing a broken child care system that has led to providers going months without pay, a lack of quality training, and thousands of families on waiting lists for our services. The power of our union is in its numbers.
  2. Stay up to date on important meetings and events. These include training opportunities, regional meetings and networking events with other Child Care Providers, discussions with the California Department of Social Services, and opportunities to speak with lawmakers and advocate for higher standards so that all children being cared for in home settings are prepared for kindergarten.
  3. As SEIU 521 members, you are eligible for many benefits. These include scholarship awards, services, discounts, and coupons. You can learn more about the benefits of being an SEIU 521 member here: SEIU Member Benefits.

You can only enjoy these benefits by becoming an SEIU 521 member. Click here to get started.