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This is Our Movement

This year, amid the COVID-19 pandemic and unprecedented uncertainty, our state, and our country realized what we’ve known all along: CHILD CARE IS ESSENTIAL.

Our community of child care providers keeps our country running, allowing parents to go to work so they can continue to keep us safe and keep our economy thriving. But we can’t do that unless we have the resources we need to be safe and healthy.

Together in our union, we are winning stronger economic support for our work, priority access to PPE, health care coverage, guaranteed payment to providers impacted by COVID-19, cleaning supplies, and nutritious food, along with a fierce dedication to helping each other through difficult times. And when we are recognized as the official family child care provider union, we can win permanent improvements for all our child care providers.

When Family Child Care Providers have a strong voice in our profession, everyone wins.

More than 1 million eligible children are left without the affordable access to early education they are entitled to and the childcare that is available to them is far too expensive. Full time care in California costs up to $17,000 per year per child. The US Health and Human Services Agency says that child care should consume no more than 7% of family income; in California, child care for 1 kid is nearly 25% of the typical family income and a whopping 70% of a typical single mother’s income.
ANU Town Hall 2Child care boosts mental development, making children more likely to stay in school, develop healthy social skills, and be able to find lifelong careers. Child care providers know this reality first hand. We live it every day. That’s why early educators are uniting with parents and other stakeholders to fight for a system that ensures all parents have access to dependable care and all providers earn livable wages and a strong, united voice on the job.
We are forming a union and fighting for the right to collectively bargain to protect the interests of children and working parents in California.

We demand that all children get the strong start they deserve and that providers receive the training, resources, and living wages they deserve. It’s time to take action and make California’s child care system work for everyone.

Have questions, or want to be contacted by someone from SEIU 521? Click here. 

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