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As economic inequality continues its stranglehold on the middle class, driving down wages for working families, we must continue our fight to level the playing field. Our future and the future of our community depends on it!

Family Child Care

Our Family Child Care Providers are not just coming together to win a union voice. Our campaign is also about raising the standards and improving our state’s early education system.

Fixing the Rigged Economy

We are fighting for living wages and the right to form a union without retaliation. Low-wage jobs are the fastest-growing jobs in the nation, and they need to pay more so that workers like us can make ends meet, and rebuild the middle class and get the economy working again.

Healthcare For All

We won healthcare reform in 2010, and our work continues to bring quality and affordable healthcare for all.

Housing Justice

SEIU 521 members are fighting for solutions to address the affordable housing crisis.

Immigrant Justice

America should always be a nation that welcomes immigrant and refugee families and their contributions to our communities and economy. SEIU members and our communities will keep standing up for immigrants, refugees, and their families.

Retirement Security for All

Far too many Californians fear they won’t have enough saved for retirement to pay for food, medicine and housing.
Protecting retirement security for all is another campaign where workers’ voices are critical.


Take Back Our Courts

Take Back Our CourtsSEIU 521 court workers have won real improvements in our campaign calling for more accountability and transparency in the court system.

Are you an SEIU 521 court worker?
Join the “Take Back Our Courts” campaign.

New Organizing

Organizing workers to join the labor movement is key to our future. If you don’t have a union at your workplace and would like to know how to form a union, contact us today.

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