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Our Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike authorization vote will begin on Saturday, June 10 at 10 a.m., and close at 1 p.m. on Thursday, June 15, your bargaining committee is recommending a yes vote to authorize a strike, if necessary. Voting to authorize aULP strike does not mean we are going on strike now, but it gives your bargaining team the authority to call for one if necessary. This webpage includes information on how to vote, frequently asked questions, strike ready toolkits and the latest negotiations update from our SEIU 521 bargaining team.

How To Vote:

The ULP strike vote will be conducted online via ElectionBuddy. There will be multiple opportunities to cast your vote electronically at worksite locations. The deadline to update your contact information has now passed. If you do not receive an electronic ballot via email or text message on June 10, please email: communications@seiu521.org and request a ballot be sent to the correct email or cell phone number.

Who Can Vote:

Only active SEIU Local 521 members can cast an eligible ballot. If you would like to vote and are currently a non-member, activate your membership today by clicking here.

In-person Voting Locations, Dates & Times:

DateVoting Times Location
Mon., June 126:30am-4pm 
6:30-10am (ER Entrance) 
10-2pm (Renova Park) 
2-4pm (ER Entrance) 
Valley Medical Center – ER Entrance, Renova Park 
Tues., June 13 11am-2pm 70 West Hedding, San Jose – Groundfloor in front of Board Chambers
Tues., June 139-11am Valley Health Center, 976 Lenzen Ave, San Jose – Room A/B 
Tues., June 132-4pmSt. Louise Regional Hospital – Cafeteria Patio – 9400 No Name Uno, Gilroy
Tues., June 1311am-1pm Valley Health Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 500 Tully Rd, San Jose 
Wed., June 1411am-2pm Valley Medical Center – Renova Park, Outside of 2221 Enborg Lane 
Wed., June 146:30-8am back parking lot
2:30-4:30pm outside Cafeteria
O’Connor Hospital – 2105 Forest Ave, San Jose
Wed., June 1411:30am-1:30pm 1555 Berger Dr, San Jose – Building 2 in front of Auditorium 
Wed., June 1411am-2pm 353 W. Julian St, San Jose – Cafeteria
Thurs., June 15 10:30am-1pm 1877 Senter Rd, San Jose – Outside in front of the building 
Thurs., June 158am-12pm Silvercreek: 5710 Fontanoso Way, San Jose – Lobby 
Thurs., June 1511am-1pm Valley Health Center, 660 S. Fair Oaks, Sunnyvale – 2nd Floor Conference Room

Latest Negotiations Update

Our contract expires in less than 30 days on June 25. And during our last session together, your bargaining team voted in favor of formally requesting our members vote to authorize an unfair labor practice strike, if needed to stop the county’s bad faith bargaining tactics.  For additional updates, visit the contract campaign website here.

Commit To Be Strike Ready

Join hundreds of our Santa Clara County co-workers who have already submitted their online strike commitment card. It takes less than 2 minutes to complete, and it’s a critical assessments for our bargaining committee as contract negotiations continue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Download the full FAQ in the strike manual here.

Only active SEIU Local 521 members are eligible to vote.

Authorizing a ULP strike does not mean we are going on strike right away. If our membership votes to approve the ULP Strike Authorization, our elected negotiations committee along with our union leadership will determine when to call the official strike dates.

NO. This ULP strike authorization is not about money or percentages, it’s about the Unfair Labor Practices committed by the County of Santa Clara

Extra Help and probationary workers all have the right to strike. It is illegal to terminate Extra Help or probationary workers because they exercised their legal right to strike. 

Unfair Labor Practice strikes are legally protected union activity.

Please be on the look out for ways to report cases of retaliation or intimidation by County management.

Our union strike manual includes information about the strike fund available only after 5 days of striking

No. Vacation time cannot be used for the strike.

No. You cannot be replaced permanently for taking part in a protected union ULP strike.

No. You and your family will still maintain your medical, dental, and other benefits.

Strike Ready Toolkit

The strike-ready toolkits below include materials that can be downloaded and shared with fellow Santa Clara County co-workers.

2023 Strike School Basics

Strike school basics are materials shared during strike school sessions. Included is also our digital strike commitment card you may add your name to demonstrate you are ready to strike if needed, as well as, virtual Zoom backgrounds to use during county and union meetings.

STRIKE COMMITMENT CARD – Click here to add your name to our 2023 Strike Commitment card. Adding your name does not mean we are going on strike, but it demonstrates that you are willing to join your co-workers in striking if and when needed to win a fair contract. 

Do you work remotely or join virtual meetings often? Stand in solidarity and show your unity by using one of three virtual contract campaign backgrounds during your meetings:

Strike Captain’s Toolkit

The following materials are meant for Santa Clara County members that have committed to or are interested in serving as strike captains. Strike captains will support their assigned worksites/departments in providing important updates to fellow members, preparing picket-line set-ups, and working with union staff to ensure all strike needs are met as preparation continues. Most of the documents below are best utilized in printed form: