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Urge the San José City Council to approve the Paid Sick Leave Ordinance proposed by Council Members Arenas, Carrasco, and Esparza.

During a public health emergency such as the one we’re experiencing now, it is critical that all workers have access to paid sick leave, regardless of how much they have accrued, in order to protect our communities. Having access to adequate paid sick leave is not only good for workers – it’s a critical component to protecting public health. Many of those who don’t have access to paid sick leave work in service jobs that commonly interact with the public, such as food service and grocery workers.

Cities across California—from Oakland and San Francisco to Los Angeles and San Diego—have passed common-sense paid sick leave protections for all workers with minimal disruptions for businesses. As recent events have taught us, it is essential that everyone has access to robust paid sick leave benefits before the next public health emergency strikes. Doing so limits interruptions to essential services and infrastructure during a critical time.