2024 San Mateo County Contract Campaign Central
Welcome to the official contract update webpage for the 2024 SEIU 521 San Mateo County contract campaign. The campaign central page includes negotiation updates, workplace and action alerts, resources, and member features. Stay tuned for updates. Prepare yourself and your co-workers for 2024 by signing up for union alerts. CLICK HERE to ensure your contact information is updated today.
Upcoming Events
RSVP to attend our next San Mateo County chapter union meeting via Zoom on Thursday, November 14 at 6 p.m. Registration is required to attend, click here to get started.
Negotiation Updates
We’ve Reached a Tentative Agreement
The ratification vote will take place online from 9am on Monday, November 18 to 4pm on Friday, November 22. Click here to download the TA worksite education schedule.
Join our membership meeting this Thursday, registration required.
Your union bargaining team is thrilled to announce that we have reached a Tentative Agreement (TA) securing significant gains for members.
We heard your priorities clearly, and this agreement reflects our commitment to fairness, equity, and respect for your contributions. Our member elected bargaining team is recommending a YES vote to approve the TA.
The ratification vote will be held from Monday, November 18 to Friday, November 22. Voting times to be released later this week.
We’ll provide members with the complete details of the TA and Ratification Vote during our bargaining update meeting on Thursday, November 14th at 6 PM via Zoom. Click here to register.
We strongly encourage everyone to attend, as this will be a vital opportunity to review the agreement, ask questions, and understand the next steps in ratification.
Here’s an overview of the improvements in our Tentative Agreement:
- Unified Contract: The Extra Help contract is now merged with the Permanent Employees contract, uniting our members under a single, cohesive agreement.
- Three-Year Agreement: Our TA establishes a stable, three-year contract, providing job security and wage predictability.
- Substantial Wage Increases: Members will receive progressive wage increases—5% in year one, 5% in year two, and 4% in year three, with an additional 1% contingent upon the County securing full Vehicle License Fee adjustments.
- Enhanced Health Premium Contributions: Employer premium contributions for the Aetna plan will rise from 75% to 90%, making healthcare more affordable.
- Monthly Health Insurance Assistance: Each benefit-eligible employee will now receive a $59 monthly “Premium Only” contribution to their Section 125 account, reducing premium expenses.
- Cesar Chavez Holiday: We’ve successfully added Cesar Chavez Day as a paid holiday, honoring this important day.
- Additional Wellness Days: Members will now enjoy two floating wellness holidays annually.
- Increased On-Call Pay: On-call pay will increase by $1 per hour.
- Bilingual Pay Boost: The biweekly bilingual differential will increase from $70 to $90, recognizing the value of bilingual skills.
- Protected Bargaining Team Release Time: Secured new union article language to provide our bargaining team with enhanced release time.
- Winter Recess Secured: We guaranteed the Winter Recess for the next three years.
Your dedication and solidarity throughout this process made this TA possible. This agreement reflects the power of collective action and your commitment to a fair contract.
The electronic vote will be conducted online via a third-party vendor, Election Buddy. Electronic ballots will be sent to your personal email or cell phone number on file with our union.
One vote per member. If you are not signed up to receive union texts and alerts, sign up here by Wednesday, November 13: https://www.seiu521.org/signup
Only full dues-paying members are eligible to vote. If you are not a current member or are unsure, or to avoid receiving a provisional ballot, activate your membership by Wednesday, November 13 to become a member here.
Remember to register for our Thursday, November 14 membership meeting here.
October 24th Bargaining Update
We are reaching out to provide you with the latest updates from our ongoing negotiations with county management. As we strive to secure the contract we all need and deserve, it is important to emphasize the strength of our bargaining team, which relies on the support and solidarity of every SEIU 521 member across our worksites.
Your continued participation, including attending the Board of Supervisors meetings, gives us the leverage we need in these negotiations. Together, we can make a powerful impact!
Our actions are working, and each week more and more of our coworkers are engaged, but keeping the pressure on is critical!
At Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, new and veteran members from various departments came out to make our voices heard and demand urgency from the Board.
Unity Equals Power: The more united we are, the stronger our position at the bargaining table. We must show management that our membership is engaged, informed, and ready to act if necessary.
With growing membership support for our campaign actions, we urge you to join our fight for a fair contract!
Latest Update from the Negotiations Table
Management’s current Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) is: 13% over 3 years; we believe we can earn more!
What You Can Do Today to Join the Fight
- Our strength in numbers is real! If you are not a member, activate your membership now, and let’s show the County we’re united in our demands!
- Spread the word: Talk to your coworkers about why COLA is critical and encourage them to get involved.
- Contract Action Team members (or CATs) are critical to our communication with coworkers across county departments. CATs ensure our coworkers are kept updated and alerted when we need to take action. Sign up to join our CAT team by following this link.
- RSVP to attend our next San Mateo County chapter union meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, November 6 at 6 p.m. Registration is required to attend, click here to get started.
We’re preparing to return to negotiations on Monday, October 28th and Friday, November 1st, remember to wear PURPLE to work on these days in solidarity with our bargaining team!
We will provide updates as they become available.
October 10th Bargaining Update
We are thrilled to share a positive update from ongoing negotiations with the County! Your incredible turnout at the recent Board of Supervisors’ meeting this week helped us make significant strides to advocate for our rights and address key worksite issues.
Below is a summary of where things stand and the actions we need to take next:
Key Highlights
Strong Member Presence
Our collective public comment action at the Board of Supervisors’ meeting this week sent a clear and powerful message: Our union is united in our demands for a contract that overcomes financial obstacles and enables workers to make ends meet while the county retains workers. Your voices were heard!
Progress on Key Issues
Movement from management on several fronts is leaning towards:
COLA’s – The county proposed a 5% increase in year one, 4% in year two and 4% year three – totaling 13% over three years. We know there is more on the table. A stronger COLA across all three years is essential to protecting our financial well-being. Together, we will push for more through collective action!
Wellness Program or Stronger COLA % – There is potential for movement on either wellness add-ons or COLA increases. Your bargaining team is prepared to fight with the backing of the voices and actions of our membership.
Healthcare Premiums: The county’s response to rising healthcare premiums is disappointing. They have the audacity to try and force our members to take on the “responsibility to pay these increases.” This attitude and behavior in bargaining is unacceptable. We deserve better support from San Mateo County during these challenging times.
Longevity and Retention: Your member led bargaining team is pushing for a longevity pay increase for years of service. To ensure this enhancement is included in the final contract, it’s going to take all of us continuing to put pressure on the County.
Next Steps – Continue Our Collective Action
The county’s current offer falls short of what we need to survive and what we deserve in order to thrive.
The only way we will secure the fair contract we need and deserve, is to continue to stand together. Let’s show the County that we will not settle for less.
Picket Party Rally – October 22
Join us for a rally on Tuesday, October 22nd at County Center – we’ll share the times early next week. Let’s show our strength and solidarity as we push for a fair contract that reflects our values. Mobilizing our coworkers in large numbers will show the County we’re not backing down! RSVP here now.
Purple Up on Bargaining Dates
Collective action is how we win! Next Thursday, the 17th Friday, the 18th, and Monday, the 21st.
Wear purple and show that you are in the fight for a fair contract. Together, we will achieve great things. Let’s keep the momentum going and fight for the respect and recognition we deserve.
We will continue to provide updates as they become available.
In unity,
Your SEIU 521 San Mateo County Bargaining Team
October 1st Bargaining Update
We just wrapped up yet another bargaining session, and now, more than ever, we need your support as we fight for the wages, benefits and working conditions you deserve!
Here’s where things stand at the negotiations table:
Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA):
Management has proposed a 5% increase in year one and another 5% increase in year three, but the 2% COLA offer in year two doesn’t even come close to covering the rising costs of living—things like gas, groceries, and rent are all going up.
While they’ve offered 12% over three years, we believe there’s still more on the table. A stronger COLA across all three years is essential to protect our financial well-being. But to achieve this, we need everyone’s involvement. Together, we can give management a reason to listen.
Healthcare Premiums:
As healthcare premiums rise, the County’s stance has been clear: workers must bear the cost. We proposed increasing the County’s contribution to help ease the financial burden, but management rejected this outright, saying: “It’s the employee’s responsibility to pay these increases.” This approach is unacceptable. We deserve better support from our County during these challenging times.
Longevity and Retention:
Retaining experienced employees is crucial not only for the County but for the communities we serve. That’s why your bargaining team is proposing an additional 1.5% longevity pay increase after 15 years of service.
This longevity incentive would reward those who have dedicated their careers to the county.
Retirement Health Plan:
We proposed the need for a comprehensive retirement health plan, and while we were ready to move forward with a side letter negotiation right after ratification, the County refused, saying they will “wait for the next bargaining session”. This issue is a priority for our future, and we need your participation in our campaign to make it happen. Stay tuned for education and updates.
Collective Action – October 8th Board of Supervisors Action
The County’s current offers fall short of meeting our needs to show respect for the vital work we do every day. To get the results we deserve, we must stand together and take collective action.This is a crucial opportunity for us to make our voices heard and demonstrate our commitment to fighting for what we deserve.
Join us at the San Mateo Board of Supervisors meeting to show your support and solidarity. Together, we can make a strong statement that we will not settle for less!
Board of Supervisors Meeting Action
When: October 8th at 9:00AM
Where: BOS Chambers, 500 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063
Purple up on Negotiations Days
Show your UNION PRIDE and support YOUR bargaining team, by wearing your Union T-shirt or any combination of purple on Friday, October 4th, Monday, October 7th and Wednesday, October 9th.
We’re still welcoming new CATs to support communication and contract alerts to members. CATs are essential to winning a strong contract! Take collective action together with your coworkers, we can make a difference and secure a better future for all members! Follow this link to become a CAT
September 17th and 24th Bargaining Update
Last week your SEIU 521 bargaining team met with county management to bargain, where we presented the following proposals:
- Salaries
- Shift Differential
- Bilingual Pay
- Holidays
- Hospitalization and Medical Care
- Longevity Pay
- Training Differential
- Term of Agreement
The county did not provide any response to our proposals during this session.
Tentative Agreements (TA)
We are pleased to report that we signed four (4) tentative agreements.
Section 7: Overtime-7.3 Work Groups
Section 13: Tuition Reimbursement
Section 17: Holidays-17.2 Winter Recess Days
Section 32: Geographical Displacement-32.1 Employee Preference
We will continue to protect our hard-fought benefits! Our next scheduled bargaining session is set for Friday, September 20.
Purple Up on Negotiations Days
Show your UNION PRIDE and support YOUR bargaining team, by wearing your Union T-shirt or any combination of purple. Negotiations will be held at 400 County Center on the following dates:
Friday, September 20
Monday, September 23
Friday, September 27
In the News
You may be aware that this week, County Sheriff, Christina Corpus filed a complaint against county Executive Mike Callagy with multiple alarming accusations. Not only is the accusation concerning, but it also demonstrates that the services our residents depend on are not a priority like they should be.
Click link here view story: https://www.ktvu.com/news/san-mateo-county-sheriff-files-abuse-power-complaint-against-county-exec
Accountability must be a priority for all of us, including Executives all the way at the top. It’s important that we, as county workers be prepared to bring accountability on all fronts.
Become a Contract Action Team Member
What is the Contract Action Team (CAT)?
The Contract Action Team is a committee made up of union members who take responsibility to communicate with coworkers at worksites to make sure they are fully informed of the negotiation’s updates. CATs play a vital role in our campaign and assist our bargaining team.
Contract Action Team Duties:
Attend CAT meetings, to get direct updates and debriefs after bargaining sessions.
Inform coworkers about negotiation updates.
Engage coworkers to participate in union actions.
Assist in planning and/or presenting in union meeting and actions
CATs are essential to winning a strong contract! Take collective action together with your coworkers, we can make a difference and secure a better future for all members! Click here to sign up now.
Join us next Tuesday, October 1st at 6:30 PM for our CAT team meeting and to get updates on where we are bargaining. Follow this link to join:
Date: Wednesday, September 18th
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Zoom
Stay tuned for more updates and announcements. Check our contract updates on the San Mateo County webpage: www.seiu521.org/sanmateocounty.
San Mateo County can be the best place to work and raise our families!
August 30th Bargaining Update
Your SEIU Local 521 bargaining team is thrilled to announce that our bargaining team principles have been overwhelmingly approved with 91% of the vote at the meeting! This is a significant step towards securing a fair contract that addresses our co-workers’ key priorities. To read more and add your name to our bargaining principles, click here.
Now, let’s build on this momentum. This is the time to join our collective fight! As we continue negotiations, your presence and unity will send a powerful message to management.
Purple up to work in solidarity next Friday, September 6 as our bargaining team returns to the negotiating table.
Stay tuned for upcoming unity breaks and union gatherings where we can collectively demonstrate our determination to the Board of Supervisors.
We met with management multiple times now and the CEO of San Mateo County Callagy came to see us and told the team that “I wish I could give you a mansion.”
The team said our membership wants parity and a livable wage.
We presented all our economic proposals except telework and retiree health. This is a time for us to stand together and put pressure on management and achieve a contract that benefits all of us.
Get involved! Reach out to your CAT team member for updates and to learn how you can contribute to our fight for a fair contract.
Together, we can win. Let’s stand united and fight back!
In unity,
August 26th Bargaining Update
We recently circulated the 2024 Bargaining Survey, and the results have been tabulated! Based on the survey, your Bargaining Team has identified the Bargaining Principles. The Bargaining Principles will guide the Bargaining Team and establish the priorities for contract negotiations.
The next crucial step is for you and your coworkers to vote on the Bargaining Principles to solidify our path forward.
Join the Bargaining Principles Ratification Meeting on Thursday, August 29th at 6:00 pm.
SEIU 521 Bargaining Principles Ratification Meeting!
When: Thursday, August 29th from 6:00PM-7:00PM
Where: Click here to join the meeting via Zoom
Management knows when thousands of workers are united, organized, and taking collective action, we mean business about our union contract and our working conditions.
Together, we can make a difference and secure a better future for all members of SEIU Local 521 at the County of San Mateo. Now is the time to join the fight!
August 5th – A Message from Your Chapter Chair
With our contract expiration date of October 5th rapidly approaching, I want you to know negotiations are in full swing, and our bargaining team is working diligently for everyone. Your engagement and support are essential to ensure that our collective voice is heard, and our needs are met. Below are some important items and information to be aware of:
Contract Action Team (CAT) Meeting
Strong contracts are won when members are informed and ready to take collective action. Join us:
When: Wednesday, August 7th
Time: 5:30PM-6:30PM
Where: 455 County Center, Redwood City, Room 101
Retiree Health Sick Leave Conversion Survey
We need your input on the Sick Leave conversion for payment of Retiree Health benefits. Your participation is crucial for gathering comprehensive feedback and moving forward effectively. Please take a moment to complete the survey by clicking here. The deadline to submit your survey is Friday, August 16th at 5:00pm.
Upcoming Negotiations Meeting
The bargaining team will be meeting with the county’s team for our next round of negotiations on Thursday, August 8th. Stay tuned for an update following the meeting.
Purple Up Days
WEAR PURPLE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Purple represents our union’s colors while showing solidarity with your fellow coworkers!
Let’s unite and proudly display our union spirit!
If you’re at County Center on Tuesdays, stop by our purple tent during your lunch for updates and information on our next steps.
Together, we will work towards securing a better future for all members.
Mercedes Segura
Chapter Chair, SEIU Local 521 County of San Mateo
August 2nd – Bargaining Update
We are gathering your thoughts on an important issue concerning our retirement health plan.
Currently, our plan is anchored to sick leave, which has led to some unintended consequences: the terms disincentivizes employees from using sick leave when needed and disproportionately impacts those who need to care for their families. Additionally, if you leave the county before retirement, you lose accumulated sick time.
As we begin negotiations for our next contract, we can address these concerns and untie our retiree health plan from sick time. One proposed change is to move to a Retiree Health Reimbursement Arrangement (RHRA) account.
This interest-bearing investment account, like a 401(k), will cover eligible medical expenses and premiums in retirement. Both the county and employees would contribute to this account, and if you leave the county before retirement, the account remains with you.
To ensure that we represent your interests, we need to know if there is support for this potential change.
Please take a moment to complete this brief survey to share your preferences and opinions by August 16, 2024 at 5PM. Your feedback will help us determine whether to pursue changes to our current retirement health plan.
Click here to fill out the survey
We appreciate your participation and look forward to your valuable input.
In unity,
SEIU 521 County of San Mateo Bargaining Team
July 18 Inaugural Bargaining Update
Our inaugural bargaining session with San Mateo County management was held on Tuesday, July 16th.
We initiated discussions on full-time and extra help contracts to consolidate these contracts into a single unified agreement. This approach aims to simplify access to and understanding of your union benefits, ensuring clarity and consistency for all members.
County management, represented by CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Robert Manchia, presented their financial report to our team. Thorough research led by professional researchers will ensure our bargaining team is fully informed and equipped to advocate effectively.
County management also provided a presentation on Retirement Health Care, highlighting agreements reached with other labor organizations such as AFSCME, PDA, and DSA. This presentation provides deeper insights into the county’s tactics and objectives, crucial for understanding the landscape of negotiations.
As of now, no formal proposals have been exchanged, but we are diligently preparing to present our non-monetary proposals at our next session.
Your participation and support are vital during this process – winning the best contract possible will start and end with your engagement. We encourage all workers to attend upcoming solidarity events like union meetings, rallies, or events to achieve the best possible contract.
Your input matters greatly to us. Share your concerns, issues, and aspirations with your union. Let us know what you expect from your bargaining team and CATs (Contract Action Team) and member leaders as we are here to represent all our interests effectively at the bargaining table. To share your input, please click here.
Actively involve yourself in your union by joining fellow members, sign up as a Contract Action Team (CAT) member, click here to learn more and sign up today. Get involved and actively participate to our collective efforts and ensure that our demands are met by securing a fair and equitable contract without delay.
San Mateo County can be the best place to work and raise our families!
With your contract set to expire on October 5, 2024, we are preparing our membership tools and focusing on developing our campaign. We believe that all SEIU 521 Union members should be educated and well-informed and that belief starts with information and action! Please enjoy our latest newsletter by clicking on the “Download” link below!
Become a CAT (Contract Action Team) Member
A Contract Action Team (CAT) is a committee made up of union members who take responsibility for communicating with a group of members at the worksite to make sure that they are fully informed and engaged in our Union contract fight. CATs are integral to the fight for a fair, strong contract. Each CAT member will be responsible for no more than ten (10) members, and assignments will be based on who people see, talk, and work with on a daily basis. Click here to learn more and sign up.
Chapter Officers
On behalf of our Chapter, we want to thank everyone involved in the Chapter Officer nomination process. We are pleased the following members were elected to the SEIU521 County of San Mateo Chapter Board.
Join us in congratulating!
- Mercedes Segura, Chapter Chair
- Laura Sparks, Vice Chair
- Natasha Sims, Vice Chair
- Katherine O’Malley, Vice Chair
- Nancy Meneses, Secretary
Our new leadership looks forward to working together with our membership by building a stronger Chapter with transparency, open communication, and accountability.
As our contract expires in October 2024, we will be focused on winning an agreement we deserve which supports the needs of our families and residents we serve. Your support and participation are key to achieving our goal.
Your Weingarten Rights
If management calls you in for a meeting (virtual, phone, or in-person) and if you feel like it may lead to disciplinary action, you have the right to request that your union representative is present. Use the statement below and contact our Member Resource Center immediately at 833-734-8521.
“If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, I respectfully request that my union rep be present at the meeting. Without representation present, I choose not to respond to any questions or statements.”