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For immediate release
Oct. 11, 2012
Contact: Jerry Jimenez
(408) 678-3391

Zombies attack California voters

Watch footage at www.seiu521.org/pledge
SAN JOSE, Calif. – Pitted against well-heeled political donors like Charles Munger Jr., who alone donated $23 million to support Proposition 32, how can middle-class voters have a voice in politics?
It seems to cost an arm and a leg to be a political player these days.
So workers decided to counter cash with comedy. “Boo on 32,” a political satire starring the walking dead, is released just in time for Halloween and showing on computer screens everywhere.
The short film plays on the notion that a ballot measure to block middle-class voters from the political process has been attempted twice before (Proposition 226 in 1998 and Proposition 75 in 2005). It was killed by voters each time, but it just won’t…stay…dead.
Now Proposition 32 is a “zombie bill” resurrected from the political graveyard to silence the voices of middle-class voters, for-ev-er.
Watch this example of how middle-class families are reaching out and informing voters about political issues this election. Enter the zombie zone, if you dare. https://www.seiu521.org/pledge

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SEIU Local 521 represents 57,000 public and private sector workers throughout 17 counties in Northern California and the Central Valley. Our mission is to improve the lives of all workers through economic justice. For more information visit www.seiu521.org.