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SEIU California
For Immediate Release
Contact: Michael Cox: 916-799-6784
January 16, 2013
LOS ANGELES (January 16, 2013) – Today, California leaders representing the Locals of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) elected Laphonza Butler as the new president of the California SEIU State Council.
“I can’t think of anyone better to lead the California SEIU State Council than Laphonza Butler,” said Bob Schoonover, president of SEIU Local 721. “Laphonza’s passion and dedication to promoting economic equality for the members of SEIU, the communities in which they live and work and all working families in California will benefit us all.”
Over the years, Butler has served in numerous SEIU leadership roles on behalf of working people employed in a variety of industries including healthcare, public sector, hospitality, janitorial and security. She currently serves as the President of SEIU’s United Long Term Care Workers union which represents 180,000 in home care providers and skilled nursing facility workers throughout the state.
“It’s a great honor to be entrusted to serve as president of the State Council by my peers,” said Butler. “I believe in the promise of a great future for all working families in California because I believe in the dignity, value and commitment of those who do the work every day to make California ‘the Golden State’.”
Butler’s passion for advocating and leading on behalf of workers and those they serve is grounded in her own personal journey. Growing up in a household where her Mom worked multiple low wage jobs in order to provide for her three children, Butler experienced first-hand the challenges faced by working families who did not have a voice on the job or the power of a union to improve their conditions. Early on, she sought a path that would ensure she contributed to bringing back the values of dignity and respect for workers and to be an architect of the changes needed to promote social and economic justice for all.
Butler succeeds Bill A. Lloyd, who leaves to become a Senior Advisor to SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry.

SEIU California is a coalition of over 700,000 janitors, social workers, security officers, home care workers, school and university employees, healthcare workers, and city, county and state employees represented by SEIU local unions throughout California. We come together to build a better California by fighting to pass policies and elect candidates that benefit working families and advance the issues we care about: affordable healthcare, good wages, retirement security for all, a healthy environment, good schools and universities, and stronger communities. We believe that by working together we can build a California where working families can thrive.