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Media Contact: Estevan Gutierrez

Contact: Ian Newman, SEIU 521 Communications Specialist, Ian.newman@seiu521.org, 516 983 9839

Santa Cruz County’s Largest Union Reaches Tentative Agreement (TA): 11.5% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) over three years, Healthcare Assistance, Workplace Safety and Training Improvements, and Salary Equity Adjustments. 

This negotiation breakthrough includes salary realignments to bring positions closer to-market rate, while combating understaffing, and improving retention. 

Santa Cruz County, Calif. –  SEIU Local 521, the union representing more than 1,800 workers across Santa Cruz County including, social workers, parks and roads, among others, reached an agreement on a successor contract. 

The tentative deal includes the highest general wage increase in over 10 years, salary realignments, and additional wage gains for positions behind market comparison, like Sanitation Maintenance Workers, Environmental Health Specialists, Behavioral Health Workers, and Mental Health Specialists to elevate recruitment opportunities to overcome staffing shortages.

Key Highlights of the Tentative Agreement: A New Chapter for County Workers

  • COLA: Over three years, workers will receive an 11.5% COLA to reflect the rising living costs in Santa Cruz County, bridging the wage gap to economic stability for hundreds of public service workers.
  • Healthcare: The agreement ensures an increased county responsibility to healthcare coverage, providing economic relief for our membership in the face of rising rates.
  • Equity Adjustments: Longstanding wage disparity affecting hundreds of county workers will be addressed by  additional equity adjustments for critical roles and also on-call and fatigue pay improvements are included to support workers in high-demand positions like Behavioral Health. 

“This agreement is a major victory for our members, the key to rebuilding essential services, which is a major victory for the residents of Santa Cruz County,” said Max Olkowski-Laetz, SEIU Local 521 Santa Cruz County Chapter President  “We fought hard for fair wages, increased healthcare benefits, and secured wage equity adjustments that reflect the dedication and hard work of county employees to promote strong recruitment.”

  • Respect on the Job and Safety Protections:  our union is committed to improving staffing levels and ending unsafe on-call practices, ensuring that workers can provide the best care without risking their well-being.
  • Protection of Our Union Voice: the tentative agreement protects workers’ rights to organize and engage in collective actions, ensuring that their voices will continue to be heard in future negotiations.
  • Training and Opportunities: Santa Cruz County will invest in training and career advancement programs for all SEIU 521 members providing workers with access to professional development opportunities for growth in their county positions.

“This is an important and strong win for our union and our community,” said Miranda Schirmer, a Child Protective Services worker and SEIU Local 521 member. “After months of standing strong together, we’ve secured a contract that invests in safety-net services and recognizes the value frontline workers bring to Santa Cruz County. Our agreement will improve our ability to serve our residents while ensuring we can take care of our own families.”

The tentative agreement averts a strike authorization vote, and SEIU Local 521 Santa Cruz County members will vote whether to ratify the agreement in the next two weeks. 


Service Employees International Union, Local 521 represents more than 1,800 public-sector workers across Santa Cruz County. Under a Community First vision, we are committed to making sure the needs of our community, and the vital services we provide our community, come first. We believe our communities thrive when residents, leaders, and workers recognize that we are all in this together when it comes to our safety, health, and well-being.