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Media Contact: Mike Roth 916.444.7170

Leadership on Issues Important to Working Families and Latinos are Key Factors in our Endorsement

SEIU California

Maria Elena Jauregui, Spanish-language, 818.355.5291

Sacramento, CA – Saying the Central Valley needs a leader who will champion issues important to workers and to Latino families, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) California announced its endorsement of Democrat Phil Arballo for California’s 13th Congressional District.  

“SEIU members are looking for elected leaders who will stand up for working people, fight for justice, and take concrete actions to address poverty, inequality and create a strong middle-class. This often involves making hard choices and standing beside those who have little power and no wealth instead of those who are privileged to have both. After ten years in the state legislature Adam Gray had the opportunity to show us who he stands with. Over those 10 years, when faced with the choice, Gray has too often chosen to stand with corporate lobbyists over the working people of his district. When choosing who will represent us in Congress, who you stand for matters,” said Riko Mendez, Chief Elected Officer of SEIU Local 521 and Executive Board Member of SEIU California. 

“Phil Arballo is SEIU members’ choice to represent the Central Valley in Congress,” said Cindy Urbano, an Emergency Room Healthcare Worker and SEIU-UHW Member who lives in CD 13. “This year we have a chance to elect a leader who knows what it’s like to grow up in an immigrant family. Phil has the courage to stand with us in the fight for immigration reform, to create opportunities for our kids to grow up healthy, and to strengthen jobs like caregiving into opportunities for Latinas like me. This year we have a chance to demand a Congress that represents all of America.”  

Adam Gray’s track record on critical issues facing working families and Latinos is dismal:

  • When the ultra wealthy and CEOs fought against raising the minimum wage, Gray took their side over everyday working people. Ignoring the voices of workers who were barely scraping by despite working long hours for little pay, Gray joined Republicans and voted against raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2022 (2016).  
  • At the height of the Trump administration’s cruel and divisive actions to separate immigrant families, Gray was the ONLY Democrat to join Republicans and vote against a bill protecting immigrant families in our schools, hospitals and courthouses as safe spaces for everyone in our community (2017).
  • Gray also voted against SB 1383 and failed to protect workers from being fired for taking time off to care for a sick family member or bond with a new baby  (2020). 

The newly drawn 13th Congressional District spans the communities of Modesto, Merced, Turlock, Madera, and parts of Fresno County. More than half of eligible voters in the district are Latino. 

Members of SEIU local unions in Congressional District 13 came together with one voice to make their endorsement recommendation after members met with the candidates.

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