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Jan. 30, 2015
Contact: Tom Webster, tom.webster@seiu521.org, (661) 412-3414
PERB judge rules county violated law; says SEIU members deserve back pay Madera’s “Fiscal emergency” no excuse for imposing furloughs
Madera, Calif. – In a significant victory for SEIU members in Madera County, a PERB judge has ruled that the county violated workers’ rights by unilaterally imposing furloughs in 2010 without proper negotiations.
Madera County now has 60 days to negotiate a settlement with SEIU Local 521 to return the pay plus interest taken from members during the past five years.
A PERB judge held that declaring a fiscal emergency did not relieve the county of its obligation to negotiate in good faith. The judge also ruled that the county was guilty of direct dealing with members and not following the proper channels of negotiation.
Paul Provenzano, an Appraiser III with Madera County, said, “This is an inspiring win for Madera County workers and members of SEIU Local 521. We remained strong and stood together through the furloughs. Let’s hope the county does the right thing, meets with us in good faith, and resolve this quickly and fairly.”
See the full text of the PERB ruling here. (PDF)

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The Service Employees International Union is an organization of 2.1 million members united by the belief in the dignity and worth of workers and the services they provide. SEIU is dedicated to improving the lives of workers and their families and creating a more just and humane society.

For more information, visit www.seiu521.org