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Media Contact: Victor Gamiz

Media Available: View workplace action photos of workers expressing they are “Ready to Strike” here.

SEIU 521 Kern County Members Vow to Settle Only When no Workers are Left Behind and Unfair Labor Practices End

Kern County, Calif – On Tuesday, November 2, The Kern, Inyo and Mono Counties Central Labor Council (CLC), which serves as a coalition of labor unions throughout the region, voted in favor of approving a strike sanction in support of the Unfair Labor Practice Strike authorized by Kern County workers last month. This means that the CLC council members will be encouraged to not cross picket lines in the event of a work stoppage and will support workers taking part in the Unfair Labor Practice Strike. 

“The Central Labor Council (CLC) and I stand with the social workers, public health, behavioral health specialists and the countless other essential Kern County workers in their pursuit to challenge the status quo under our failed county leadership,” said Imedla Ceja-Butkiewicz, President of CLC of Kern, Inyo, and Mono Counties. “Too many of our neighbors and family members cannot receive adequate public services that the county is responsible for administering. Everything should be on the table to address retention and staffing issues essential workers face.”

In this same week, Management negotiators for the County of Kern requested a return to bargaining which reconvened on Thursday, November 4, 2021. This comes following public comment at the Board of Supervisors, countless worksite actions, and weeks of strike preparation across all County Departments, including the Department of Human Services, Roads and Maintenance, Public Health and Child Support.

SEIU Local 521 bargaining team members — who are employees of Kern County — are cautiously optimistic heading into the resumed negotiations with Management. They are vowing to only settle if the County puts forth an offer that will ensure the 900+ essential county workers who are slated to earn less under the county’s current offer than they were promised when they were hired are not left behind and guarantees on-going COLAs for all employees.

“We know it’s uncommon for the County to call for a return to negotiations after putting forth their Last, Best and Final Offer,” said Tiffany Sagbohan, SEIU 521 Bargaining Team Member and County Probation Program Specialist. “Our members have pointed out the clear inequities outlined in their final offer that would only exacerbate the staffing crisis and leave essential workers behind. It’s clear Management sees that workers all across the County are preparing to do what it takes to put an end to their Unfair Labor Practices and reach a fair contract.”


Service Employees International Union, Local 521 represents more than 4,000 public-sector workers across the County of Kern. Under a Community First vision, we are committed to making sure the needs of our community, and the vital services we provide our community, come first. We believe our communities thrive when residents, leaders and workers recognize that we are all in this together when it comes to our safety, health, and well-being.