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Jan. 14, 2015
Contact: Tom Webster – (661) 412-3414
Fresno, Calif. – Service Employees International Union Local 521 will file a petition to modify Fresno County’s Bargaining Unit 2 with the goal of moving Correctional Officers into a separate bargaining unit. This action will allow SEIU members who work at the Fresno County Jail to make decisions about their representation without impacting members at other locations. We believe that it is in the best interests of the majority of Local 521 members who are spending countless hours focused on our community and getting a contract that respects working families. The divide in Unit 2 has taken time and energy away from our efforts to put our Community First and it’s time to move forward.

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The Service Employees International Union is an organization of 2.1 million members united by the belief in the dignity and worth of workers and the services they provide. SEIU is dedicated to improving the lives of workers and their families and creating a more just and humane society.

For more information, visit www.seiu521.org