Victor Baez
Salinas Office Composite Delegate
Senior Urban Forestry Worker, City of Salinas
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Salinas Office Composite Delegate
Senior Urban Forestry Worker, City of Salinas
Monterey County Delegate
Behavioral Health Unit Supervisor
City of Bakersfield Alternate Delegate
Solid Waste Equipment Operator
AFRAM (African-American) Caucus Delegate
Whigham, Behavioral Health Admitting Interviewer II, Fresno County
APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance) Caucus Delegate
Retired Member, San Mateo County
APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance) Caucus Delegate
Santa Clara County Delegate
Social Worker II
San Mateo County Delegate
Office Assistant II
Region 1, Vice President
Public Communications Specialist II, Valley Transportation Authority
Social Worker IV, Madera County