Member Resource Center (MRC)

Questions About Your Rights?
We have you covered! Our SEIU Local 521 Member Resource Center connects you with an experienced, knowledgeable contract enforcement specialist who’s ready to help you with: Rights, Representation & Benefits.

Contact us to get answers about your rights as a union employee.

Need union representation? We’ll help you get it.

We’ll walk you through membership benefits that go beyond what’s in our contract.
Send us your question and a contract enforcement specialist will get in touch with you!
What is the Member Resource Center (MRC)?
- The Member Resource Center (MRC) is a one-stop-shop for union workers seeking assistance with their rights, representation, and benefits as a union employee.
- It is staffed by our team of Contract Enforcements Specialists, who are experts in union rights, contract grievances, and labor laws.
- Members can call the MRC at 1-833-SEIU-521 (1-833-734-8521) anytime during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., where our Specialists are ready to provide union representation, answer questions about union member benefits, walk workers through their union rights in any given situation, and connect them with a union steward at their worksite when needed.