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Did you know?

    • Our strength lies in our unity and our numbers. With more members, we have more power to win better contracts and a stronger voice to protect our rights, healthcare and retirement benefits.
    • Members are also eligible for many exclusive benefits, including the SEIU free college program, scholarships, discounts, and more.

If you are already a member, we still need you to renew your membership.

    •  Recommitting to the union shows our employers that we’re sticking together to protect our contract, win better pay and benefits, and make our voices heard, no matter the attacks on working people.


Become an SEIU 521 Member

Don’t have a union at your workplace? People form unions at their workplaces because it gives us the strength in numbers to improve our jobs and our communities. Are you looking to organize a union with your co-workers? Have questions about forming a union? Get started today!

Form a Union at Your Workplace