
Some of the translated content was created by a machine, and is provided for your convenience only. It may include incorrect translations or subtle shifts in meaning. Please rely on the English content or a human interpreter before taking action based on this translation.

Welcome to the official SEIU Local 521 Fresno County webpage of useful links and resources. Feel free to check back to see what tools and resources are available that can help Fresno County workers build support and organize for change!  CLICK HERE to ensure your contact information is updated today.

Eligibility Worker Intake Units Survey

Your input matters. Workers know best how to get access to food and healthcare quicker for our clients and ensure a productive and fair work environment, all we need to do is speak up as one voice.

Fill out this questionnaire below and your responses will be analyzed to see what steps are needed, including meeting with management with our recommendations.

EW Intake Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EWINTAKE

Bilingual Pay Survey

Our union has taken on the challenge of improving bilingual pay and services in Fresno County because our community depends on us to provide good-quality services. To do this, we need your help and input.

Please take this 3-minute survey to help our union as we prepare for our Bilingual Pay Reopener. All answers will remain confidential with our union.

Bilingual Reopener Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BILPAY