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Welcome to “Know Your Rights” online videos.

History of the Labor Movement

Where do unions come from? Do we still need unions today? In this video, you’ll learn about the history of the labor movement and why unions are now more important than ever! Presented by Mary Ann LoBalbo, Member Leader for Santa Cruz County.

Know Your Rights: Hostile Work Environment

What’s the difference between a bully boss and a hostile work environment? In this video, you’ll learn about the differences in these common but complicated situations. Presented by Corrine Rojo, Steward for Kern Regional Center.

The Grievance Process and CED

What is a grievance? Why do we file grievances? In this video, you’ll learn about how to investigate a grievance and interact with the Contract Enforcement Department. Presented by Mullissa Willette, Steward for Santa Clara County.

Know Your Rights: 7 Tests of Just Cause

How can you tell if a discipline is arbitrary or unfair? In this video, you’ll learn about just cause and how to protect against unfair and unjust discipline handed out by employers. Presented by Trina Moehring, Chief Steward for Santa Clara County.

Know Your Rights: Weingarten Rights

What should you do if you’re being questioned by your boss? Are you entitled to union representation? In this video, you’ll learn about Weingarten protections and when to invoke them. Presented by Jennifer Jensen, Retiree Chapter Member.