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SEIU 521 Membership Application

Not a member? Become a member today.
Interested, but have a question?

Union Steward Training Workshops

Steward Workshops

Virtual Union Steward training sessions are now available. Training sessions are open to current Union Stewards as well as members interested in knowing their union rights or running to become Union Stewards. 

Learn more about the various dates and training modules here.

Union Resources

Being a part of SEIU 521 means having a treasure chest of resources to secure the best contract and protect your rights and benefits.

My Benefits

Membership has its privileges and being an SEIU 521 member is no different. From travel discounts to scholarships for you and your family, there are many ways to save a buck or two.

My Info

Have you recently moved or changed your contact information? You can update it in MemberLink. You can also sign up for electronic updates.

My Rights

Your right to representation is among the most important rights you have as a union member. Learn more about your employment rights and grievance procedures.

Get Involved

There are so many ways to get involved with your union. You can begin by signing up to become an SEIU Local 521 member. There are opportunities to join 521 caucuses and committees, and even train to become a union leader.

Frequently Asked Questions

For straightforward answers to the most frequently asked questions, click here.