Protect Santa Clara County Social Workers
We Urge the County of Santa Clara to Establish a COVID-19 Protocol for DFCS
Santa Clara County is, unfortunately, experiencing a rapid rise in the number of cases and deaths due to the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic. While SEIU 521 employees at the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS) are honored to serve our community in this unprecedented time, we the undersigned demand that the County of Santa Clara takes immediate action to implement the following protection plan. The safety and wellbeing of our most vulnerable children and families, as well as the social workers they depend on, require a protocol in place to reduce the likelihood of exposure and spread of COVID-19:
- Provide all essential DFCS workers with N95 masks, gloves and hand sanitizer/alcohol pads/wipes before any in-person response or client interaction on a weekly basis to avoid interruption to workflow. Employees at Keike and satellite worksites should be provided with coverall bodysuits as needed as they are not able to practice social distancing. In the event that Social Workers I (SWIs) are not able to practice social distancing to perform their tasks, they too will be provided with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and coverall bodysuits.
- Require all Social Workers to inquire if people in the home have been experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or been recently sick. Ask if the home can accommodate social distancing per the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines to help prevent the unnecessary and unknown exposure of Emergency Response (ER) Social Workers. Due to the nature of ER functions, when this information is not available or social distancing cannot be practiced, ER workers will be provided, in addition to the above items, a coverall bodysuit to protect themselves and their clients.
- In-person response referrals are to be deemed a dire emergency, and should only be conducted if there is an immediate risk to the wellbeing and safety of children. Responding ER Social Workers will need to stand at least 6 feet from families’ front door and/or window while conducting interviews over the phone. Children should be advised to wear clothing that permits them to assess the condition of their wellbeing and safety.
- Provide training of a systematic protocol to all Social Workers on what to do if exposed to someone infected or sick with the COVID-19 virus.
- Provide daily professional cleanings of the Keike and satellite worksites. Set up a decontamination area at each home. Do not rotate employees who have been assigned to work in a quarantined home to Keike or satellite worksites.
- Clarify in writing to all Social Workers the requirement to return to work after a potential exposure to COVID-19.