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Riko Mendez with SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry.
Riko Mendez with SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry.

On Wednesday, January 17, SEIU Local 521 Chief Elected Officer Riko Mendez was appointed to the SEIU International Executive Board. Riko’s appointment on behalf of our local is a reflection of our work for the Together We Rise campaign.
SEIU Local 521 members from the Central Valley to Silicon Valley to the Central Coast have been working hard to build a Union that thrives into the future. Over the last few months, we have stepped up our efforts to grow our union through membership engagement, and by developing new leaders and mobilizing our communities to build lasting political power for working people.
Riko’s appointment means that our local will have a seat at the table and a voice at the International level.

“In the past few months, Riko has stepped up to make SEIU Local 521 a leader in the international labor movement. Together and with Riko’s leadership, our members have set new standards for social justice activism. We have forged new partnerships with community allies, we have led the fight for immigrant justice, and we have continued to fight for women’s rights and justice for working people. With this new responsibility to our International Executive Board, our Local will continue to lead the way, as we build a union that thrives in a ‘right-to-work’ environment.”
-Gwyn Harshaw, SEIU Local 521 President