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1199SEIU_LOCAL 521_Native American Caucus_LogoOur Native American Caucus works to promote involvement, social justice, awareness, and education in SEIU, the labor movement, and the Native American community.

Events & Meetings

Fresno Caucus Monthly Meetings

The Native American Caucus, Fresno Chapter meetings are on the 4th Monday, 6-7 p.m. via Zoom.
RSVP at (559) 447-2571 or
Or RSVP via MemberLink under the Events tab

Membership Application


CAUCUS CHAIR RoseAnn Dominguez,, (559) 301-2702
CAUCUS SECRETARY Jennifer Jensen,, (559) 704-8384

SEIU LoCertificate of Appreciation from American Indian Veterans Association 2.22.16cal 521’s Native American Caucus is one of many groups that coordinate and build relationships with community organizations to help us all #UniteFightWin a better future. The American Indian Veterans Association of Central California and SEIU members are building a collaboration foundation to improve connections and build strength among Native Americans in Fresno. Our current project is a cooperative effort to develop the spiritual center that can unite the community.
Native American Caucus with American Indian Veterans Association 2.22.16 cropped
Alex Betancourt with American Indian Veterans Association 2.22.16 cropped