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DD group

The SEIU California Developmental Disabilities Council was formed in 2007 and is made up of direct support and regional center workers at our 19 DD agencies across the state.

We are committed to increasing union density and improving the wages and conditions of workers in the field of Developmental Disability while supporting dignity, respect, and quality services to the people we serve.

Learn more about the SEIU California Developmental Disabilities Council.

Keep the promise

The Council is partnering with the Keep the Promise Coalition in an effort to create grass roots support for budget reform that would once again connect the budgeting / rate setting process with the actual cost of providing services.

Please visit the Keep the Promise Coalition website to learn more about these efforts and sign up to receive e-mail updates from the Coalition on actions you can take to support this effort.

Reports (PDF format)
2015 First Quarter Update
Annual Report, 2013-2014