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API-LogoThe Asian Pacific Islander (API) Caucus aims to collaborate with community organizations to address social, economic, housing, working conditions, health, and other issues of concern to the API community. We also aim to identify and develop community activists and leaders within the labor movement and in the community. To get information, please contact us at (408) 678-3300 or

API Caucus Scholarship

API scholarships are open to SEIU 521 API Caucus members in good standing and/or their children. All scholarship submissions must be for the academic year awarded. These one-time cash awards are for study beginning in the Fall of 2024. Scholarships will be granted without regard to the sex, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or disability of any applicant. Scholarships are limited to one per household. Applications are available starting March 1, 2024. Application with essay must be received in the union office no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, April 5, 2024. Click here for application. Mail to: SEIU Local 521, 5228 E. Pine Ave., Fresno, CA 93727. Scholarship Award Amounts: This scholarship provides winners with a one-time cash award of $500 each.

Membership Application

API Caucus Membership Application

Become a member today to empower and unite API (Asian Pacific Islander) Caucus Members of SEIU 521! 

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API Caucus News Coverage

Luisa Blue recognized among “The 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the World” October 29, 2015 SEIU and its AAPI Caucus Condemn Jeb Bush’s Offensive “Anchor Baby” Rhetoric August 26, 2015 API Caucus Re-launched April 28, 2015 SEIU 521 Launches API Voter Project in Fresno July 22, 2013