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Building a Brighter Future


What is a labor union? How do unions work? 

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Representing 40,000 members in the South Bay Area, Central Coast, and Central Valley, SEIU Local 521 brought together workers from five locals into a single, more powerful group of workers who stand stronger together.

Now, more than ever, California workers need a powerful, unified voice to improve wages, benefits and working conditions.

Are you looking to organize a union at your workplace?
Have questions about forming a union? Contact Calvin Johnson at or 408-678-3300. We’ll be happy to help you start building a brighter future for you and your co-workers today.
Click here for more information on your rights and how to get started.

SEIU Local 521 Organizing Campaigns

Raising California Together

California Child Care Providers are uniting to improve our state’s early education system.
Check out the campaign here.

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