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CEMA, RNPA, & SEIU 521 made clear the deficiencies exacerbated by the pandemic and called on the Board of Supervisors to appropriate federal relief to fill vacancies, stop proposed outsourcing and invest in public health to prepare for future health crises.

San Jose, CA-Essential County workers, residents and allies urged elected County leaders to deliver on their commitment of rebuilding a county through a racial justice lens and equity. Elected officials must deliver on their promises by investing in a healthy recovery that includes bringing back jobs, restoring frontline services, confronting, and resolving staffing issues throughout the County, most notoriously at Valley Medical Center, in behavioral health, Social Services Division and the County custody Institutions, such as the Main Jail, Elmwood, Juvenile Hall and James Ranch facilities.

“Santa Clara County must make critical investments together with its Unions to reach our common goal: fund the front line(s) services to residents, the safety and well-being of workers, patients and the communities we serve” said Janet Diaz, Patient Service Clerk at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center & SEIU 521 Chapter President.

Short staffing, low pay, and lack of COVID-19 safety measures contribute to a dangerous working and care environment for those in custody. Members deserve to be fully paid for working their regular and overtime shifts which have sustained our health and hospital system – especially during the Pandemic. Violence in the workplace has increased and members no longer feel safe coming to work. County unions deserve a partnership with county leaders, and we ask that they step up and invest in the frontline workers who care for our community.

“RNPA, CEMA and SEIU are extremely concerned at the county’s reluctance to work with the two unions who represent approximately 16,000 employees combined, ” said Allan Kamara, Registered Nurse and RNPA Union President. “Our registered nurses have been placed in very dangerous situations without adequate planning or PPE and little regard for their safety.”


About CEMA
CEMA is an association of managers, administrators and supervisors employed by Santa Clara County and the Santa Clara County Superior Court.

About RNPA
The Registered Nurses Professional Association (RNPA) represents over 3,000 members in Santa Clara County. Led by Registered Nurses, the Board of Directors of RNPA work alongside their members and witness firsthand their hard work as they risk their lives every day to protect and serve the public.

About SEIU 521
Service Employees International Union, Local 521 represents more than 12,000 public-sector workers across Santa Clara County. Under a Community First vision, we are committed to making sure the needs of our community, and the vital services we provide our community, come first. We believe our communities thrive when residents, leaders and workers recognize that we are all in this together when it comes to our safety, health, and well-being.