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January 11, 2019
Contact: Elsa Mejia
(559) 385-6857 or elsa.mejia@seiu521.org
Fresno Superior Court Workers Say “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied”
Strike Announced Over Unequal Access to Justice in Fresno County & Unfair Labor Practices
(Fresno, CA) No matter where we come from or what our background is, most people want pretty similar things. Working people—whether white, Black, or brown—want to be able to provide for our families and loved ones, be treated with dignity and respect, and have fair and timely access to a justice system that works for all of us.
That’s why, on January 10, SEIU 521 members working at the Fresno Superior Court announced our intention to begin an indefinite ULP strike on January 15 over the unequal access to our justice system that Fresno County residents face, as well as unfair labor practices committed by managers attempting to silence and intimidate working people for speaking up.
“For many people, interacting with our justice system can be a time of vulnerability, uncertainty, and stress. Frontline Court employees like myself and my coworkers are here not only to serve crucial roles in the administration of justice in Fresno County but also to help our neighbors in the community successfully navigate our justice system during difficult times,” said Denise Dedmon, a Fresno Superior Court Reporter, and SEIU 521 Chapter President. 
“As frontline workers at the Court, we see how underfunding and inadequate resources causes additional burdens to County residents in already difficult circumstances. Workers like us are dedicated to helping ease the stress and difficulty of navigating our Court, and so we say ‘no more.’ We are striking because justice delayed is justice denied, and management must put an end to unfair labor practices that seek to silence our voice.”
The Fresno Superior Court is among the last in our state to provide full-time employment for its workers. Unfortunately, bad faith bargaining efforts from management continue to disregard the challenges we face in providing quality services to Fresno County residents who seek justice. By not providing the resources Courthouse workers need to assist people in the daunting task of navigating our Court, management is saying our community doesn’t deserve an efficient and accessible system of justice. Fresno Superior Court workers say enough is enough.
Service Employees International Union, Local 521 represents public- and nonprofit, private-sector workers in the California’s central Bay Area region and in the Central Valley. Under a Community First vision, we are committed to making sure the needs of our community, and the vital services we provide our community, come first. We believe our communities thrive when residents, leaders and workers recognize that we are all in this together when it comes to our safety, health, and well-being.