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10.23.18 yes on 10 graphic

Lack of Rent Stabilizing Policies Top Reason Housing is Unaffordable

A new USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll shows Proposition 10 leading, with support for the measure continuing to grow as California voters learn about Prop 10. The poll also finds that lack of rent stabilization policies — not lack of supply — was the top reason among respondents for why housing is unaffordable in the state.

Joe Trippi, lead strategist for the Yes on 10 campaign: “This marks the first public poll that was actually conducted after we began our TV commercials, which highlight the broad coalition of trusted organizations and housing advocates backing Prop 10 from League of Women Voters, to the California Alliance of Retired Americans, California Nurses Association, Housing California, and California Democratic Party. The poll shows that voters aren’t falling for the lies, deception and fear-mongering from Donald Trump’s donors and friends on Wall Street who created this housing crisis and are funding the No campaign so they can keep profiting off it. Californians don’t like seeing powerful corporate special interests buy their elections, and we’re confident that on November 6th, voters who want to protect our seniors and so many others hurting from our housing affordability crisis will vote Yes.”
Sarah Norr, a small landlord and leader of Property Owners for Fair and Affordable Housing: “With sample ballots out, voters can read Proposition 10 for themselves and see that it provides a simple tool that our communities desperately need. Proposition 10 will remove the constraints imposed on local communities by failed, outdated state law, allowing them to take urgent action to address the housing crisis on their terms, should such action be needed. Beyond protecting renters, Prop 10 guarantees a fair rate of return for mom-and-pop landlords who rent out their properties. This is a clear win-win for all Californians — renters and property owners alike. The Trump-supporting mega-landlords who are funding the opposition campaign to Prop 10 don’t speak for us mom-and-pop landlords.”
More than 9.5 million renters in the state, over half of California tenants, spend more than 30 percent of their income on rent, according to a recent analysis of U.S. Census data by UC Berkeley’s Haas Institute.
Proposition 10 is a key step towards solving California’s housing-affordability and homelessness crises because it will protect California’s renters and guarantee landlords a fair rate of return, all while laying the foundation for stronger communities.
By empowering local communities to limit rent increases and curtail predatory housing practices, cities and counties will be able to create thoughtful laws to address their local housing situations.