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CalPERS Board Election: Miller Elected, Bilbrey Defeated
Together with other locals and unions, our members made a heavy lift to ensure that the majority of the CalPERS Board of Directors would continue to listen to and support working families. SEIU 521 members contacted thousands of their fellow members to encourage them to vote for both David Miller and Michael Bilbrey. We were successful in getting David Miller elected to his first term on the CalPERS board.
Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in our attempt to re-elect Michael Bilbrey. Margaret Brown, who is a CalPERS critic, won by a margin of just 6%, which reminds us that every vote counts!
Electing candidates that stand for us is going to be even more crucial in 2018, with more CalPERS Board seats opening up for election, and new attacks on public employee pensions underway. In order to maintain a majority of labor-supporting CalPERS Board members, we will have to fight hard. We know our efforts can make a difference!
Join us: Click here to participate in phone banks and worksite meetings to protect our retirement security and healthcare benefits.
We need to continue to educate the current CalPERS Board Members about our needs and concerns, which is why we are inviting David Miller to our upcoming union meetings so that he can meet our members, and build a strong relationship with SEIU Local 521.
Stay informed about future meetings with David Miller.