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May 20, 2015
Contact: Khanh Weinberg (408) 921-0098
Debbie Narvaez (818) 667-7075
Strikers Vow to Take to Salinas Streets on Friday
Workers at Mexican American Opportunity Fund are going on their 6th day of strike; elected leaders plan to join workers for a march through town
SALINAS – Early learning educators who work for the non-profit organization Mexican American Opportunity Fund (MAOF) in Monterey County are ready to escalate their protest as they enter their sixth day of strike on Friday.
Facing threats from the employer that the agency would shut down all or some of its child care sites -which would devastate the community and farm workers who rely MAOF child care services – workers plan a one-mile march on Friday to demand a fair contract where they can have a path out of poverty.
Early educators provide a crucial role in Monterey County, opening the doors to learning for a diverse generation of youth and providing the care that enables families to work knowing their children are safe and cared for. But even as they help families and children climb the ladder of opportunity, 40% of MAOF workers earn wages so low, they qualify for public assistance.
WHO: 100 striking workers of MAOF in Salinas, joined by community leaders
WHAT: March from 115 Bardin Road to 1210 John Street, Salinas
WHEN: Friday, May 20, 8 a.m.
Joining in the march will be: Assemblyman Luis Alejo; Council Members Gloria De La Rosa and Tony Barrera, City of Salinas; Karina Cervantez Alejo, Council Member, City of Watsonville; Monterey County Board of Supervisor Jane Parker and others.

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Service Employees International Union, Local 521 represents 40,000 public- and nonprofit, private-sector workers in the central Bay Area region and in the Central Valley. Under a Community First vision, we are committed to making sure the needs of our community, and the vital services we provide our community, come first. We believe our communities thrive when residents, leaders and workers recognize that we are all in this together when it comes to our safety, health, and well-being.