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Do Your JobWith the cases before the Supreme Court the stakes are clear: nurses, firefighters and workers’ ability to join together at work and have a voice in a union is at risk; immigrant families are in danger of being torn apart; the hard-fought right to vote is under attack by the attempt to unravel the fundamental principle of one person, one vote; and women’s reproductive health is in jeopardy.
Anything less than granting Judge Garland a full hearing and vote is playing politics with the lives of millions of working families and their communities who will be affected by cases in front of the Supreme Court.
Inaction by the Senate is not an option.
Call your Senators now and demand they give a full hearing and an up-or-down vote for the President’s nominee, Judge Garland.

“Working people need a government that works for them, not one that is ground to a halt by extremist special interests and the Senators who do their bidding.”
– SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry
Read Mary Kay Henry’s full statement here.

Judge Garland has had an illustrious career, throughout which he has demonstrated why he is a good choice for working families. His record shows that he believes in the duty of government to protect regular Americans, and our democracy, from being corrupted by the excesses of the super wealthy and their corporate agenda. He has shown that he respects the opinion of the National Labor Relations Board, the agency that is charged with protecting workers’ right to join together in a union and bargain collectively, and he has upheld disclosure requirements to keep a check on the outsized influence “dark money” has on our government.