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October 29, 2014
CONTACT: Kathy Fairbanks, No on 46
(916) 813-1010
Local Central Coast Leaders Hold Press Conference to Highlight “Unprecedented” Coalition Opposing Prop 46 as Bad Medicine for Patients and California
“Budget busting” ballot measure now opposed by doctors, firefighters, teachers, taxpayers, farmers, business, labor, community clinics, Planned Parenthood and local governments
No on 46
Sacramento – With Election Day less than a week away, The Central Coast’s health care and community leaders in the broad, bipartisan coalition opposed to Proposition 46 will express their opposition to the high cost of Proposition 46 and how it would make it harder for patients to get the high-quality medical care they deserve.
Written and funded by (while benefiting) trial lawyers, Proposition 46 would make it easier and more profitable to sue doctors and hospitals by quadrupling the limit on some damages in medical lawsuits. According to the independent California Legislative Analyst’s Office, Proposition 46 would raise costs to state and local governments by up to “several hundred million dollars annually.”
An unprecedented coalition has come together to oppose Proposition 46, including doctors, hospitals, insurers, local government organizations, business groups, community clinics, organized labor, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. Nearly every major newspaper in the state has urged Californians to vote NO on Proposition 46.

  • Kelly O’Keefe, M.D., Interim CEO, Natividad Medical Center
  • James Ramseur, Jr., M.D., OBGYN, past president Monterey County Medical Society and current delegate to the California Medical Association
  • Jeffrey Bass, M.D., Central California Coast Regional Director, California Emergency Physicians and ER doctor at Natividad Medical Center
  • Luisa Blue, Chief Elected Officer, SEIU Local 521
  • Ron Chesshire, CEO, Santa Cruz/Monterey Counties Building Trades Council
  • Paul Farmer, President and CEO, Salinas Chamber of Commerce

WHEN: Thursday, October 30, 12 p.m.
WHERE: Natividad Medical Center – Outside Outpatient Services Entrance, 1441 Constitution Blvd. Salinas, California