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Media Advisory
Oct. 25, 2012
Contact: Jerry Jimenez
(408) 678-3391
SALINAS, Calif. – SEIU 521 member leaders will meet with Gov. Jerry Brown in Salinas on Oct. 25 as part of the governor’s outreach to the Latino community.
The governor is stopping in Salinas to meet with local elected officials, education leaders, students, and SEIU Local 521 members to discuss education and Proposition 30.
If passed by voters Nov. 6, Prop. 30 will fill a $6 billion funding gap in education in California.
Not passing Prop. 30 would be devastating for California schools and colleges.
“Our most vulnerable populations in our area will be marginalized due to lack of education opportunities,” said Ray Montemayor, Trustee of Hartnell College in Salinas and SEIU 521 member. “Without adequate resources, Hartnell College cannot deliver fully on its important mission of student access and success that leads to equity and prosperity.”
What: SEIU Local 521 member leaders, local elected officials, education leaders and students to meet with Gov. Jerry Brown.
Where: Hartnell College, 411 Central Ave., Salinas
When: Thursday, Oct. 25.
Time: 4 p.m. arrival. 4:30 p.m. press conference

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SEIU Local 521 represents 57,000 public and private sector workers throughout 17 counties in Northern California and the Central Valley. Our mission is to improve the lives of all workers through economic justice. For more information visit