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Media Advisory
Khanh Weinberg, (408) 921-0098
Jerry Jimenez, (408) 219-9636

Workers to urge legislators to pass retirement security bill

SB 1234 goes before Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing
SAN JOSE – Dozens of workers from across the state, from home care workers to childcare providers, will be in Sacramento on Wednesday to speak fervently for legislation that would make saving for retirement a possibility for millions of Californians who are at risk of retiring into poverty.
The legislation, SB 1234 (the California Retirement Savings Act) is co-authored by Sen. Kevin De León (D-Los Angeles) and by Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg.
The bill gives California the opportunity this summer to lead the nation in setting up an innovative retirement savings program for the more than 6 million California workers whose employers don’t offer retirement benefits.
SB 1234 expands retirement savings to private-sector workplaces to help with the state’s overburdened safety-net programs for California’s rapidly aging population.
“I am proud to see I have support from every day working people who aren’t afraid to stand up and say they, too, deserve dignity in retirement,” said Sen. De León. “We cannot afford to discard people who work hard every day and contribute to our economy once they hit retirement.”
WHAT: Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing on SB 1234
WHEN: 9 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 8
WHERE: State Capitol, Room 4202

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The Service Employees International Union is an organization of 2.1 million members united by the belief in the dignity and worth of workers and the services they provide. SEIU is dedicated to improving the lives of workers and their families and creating a more just and humane society. For more information, visit www.seiu521.org