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Media Advisory
Contact:  Khanh Weinberg – (408) 921-0098
Rich del Ben, 65, part of three generations of city service
Redwood City — When the City Council honors Rich del Ben tonight, it won’t be just for the 45 years of city service the Public Works maintenance worker has logged in the community. Del Ben is the second of three generations of men in the same family who have worked for the city in the same department.
At 19 and fresh out of Vietnam, del Ben was looking for just a little work before starting college. He landed a job similar to what his father had done before him for more than two decades: maintenance in Public Works.
“I grew up here, I liked the environment and I liked the people here,” said del Ben, 65. “I really enjoy interacting with residents, making sure everything is OK.”
Tonight, many of del Ben’s family and friends will be there to help celebrate, including his son, Rich del Ben Jr., born and raised — and third-generation of the del Ben clan to be employed by Redwood City.
WHAT: City worker to be honored for 45 years of city service
WHEN: 7 p.m., TODAY
WHERE: City Council Chamber, 1017 Middlefield Road, Redwood City

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