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Stanislaus County leaders (left to right) Michelle Lopes, Brenda Avilla, Molly Rodriguez, Cathy Switzer and Denise Dillon

With a slate of new chapter officers, Stanislaus County members are stepping up!
At a general membership meeting on March 13, the chapter voted to hold its first-ever town hall, inviting an incumbent supervisor and a challenger to consider making an endorsement. The members also pledged to get involved in supporting Measure T, a one-eighth cent sales tax that supports local libraries, after Steward Christopher Dear made a case for it.
There’s plenty more work for our new chapter officers. They’ll start by putting together a bargaining team and surveying the membership to prepare for negotiations.
The new officers are:
  • President Cathy Switzer
  • Vice President/Public Services Brenda Avila (a re-elected incumbent)
  • Vice President/Human Services Molly Rodriguez (a re-elect incumbent)
  • Secretary/Treasurer Michelle Lopes