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County contribution to Health Plans for 2015 may have to be renegotiated!

In June 2014, the CalPERS Health and Benefit Committee met to discuss the health premium rates in 2015, which included the Santa Cruz County area. The proposed rate increases are as follows.

HMO Plans - Click to zoom
Medicare HMO ONLY: 
Medicare HMO Only
PPO Plans Only
Medicare PPO ONLY:
Medicare PPO Only
On August 11, 2014, union leaders met with the county to discuss  the increase.  Blue Shield Net Value chose to increase their rates over 23%. SEIU Local 521 requested that the county survey employees regarding their health plans, to help your bargaining team to get feedback on the comparable plans and services associated with the plan. A survey monkey will be sent to your work email from the county within the next week.  PLEASE TAKE TIME TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SURVEY.
In accordance with our contract, Article 10.1 – “ if rates are greater than 10% increase, the union and the county shall meet and confer to discuss options.”
Blue Shield Net Value HMO and Anthem Select HMO, when combined and averaged, equal a 12.21% rate increase thus triggering a meeting between the county and our union.
What does this mean for open enrollment?
Our union is reviewing the information provided by the county and the bargaining team is being convened to discuss this impact to workers. We will be meeting with the county again on August 25 to discuss this impact in accordance with the contract.
Open enrollment begins September 15 through October 15. While the booklets with information that will be provided by the county are not available yet, employees can get informed by attending informational membership meetings on:
Monday, August 25 – 5:45 p.m. – Membership Meeting on Healthcare Costs – SEIU Local 521 – Union Hall, 517 Mission St., Santa Cruz
Tuesday, August 26 – 5:45 p.m. – Membership Meeting on Healthcare Costs – SEIU – ULTCW – Union Hall, 10 Alexander St. Watsonville
The county will be announcing meetings with the insurance companies throughout the county and it is recommended that you attend the meetings to get specific, detailed information regarding benefits associated with each insurance company. You may also contact the benefits department of the county at anytime to discuss various plans and how they meet the needs for you and your family.
Is my physician part of my group?
