This following excerpt is from an op-ed published in the Santa Cruz Sentinel from landlords and homeowners who support Measure M. You can read the full article here.
As landlords and homeowners, we understand why some of our landlord friends are anxious about the proposed rent control ordinance on the ballot. Some of us are nervous about Measure M’s potential restraints on our power to raise rents and evict tenants. We all grew up here in the U.S. — property is sacred.
But we also agree that rents have gotten too high. We want community stability. We understand that forcing people out of their homes causes a community-level trauma, disrupts our schools, and drastically weakens the very fabric of our neighborhoods.
And many of our landlord friends support the regulation of housing, even rent control in principle, just “not this ordinance.” We know there was some early misinformation that suggested Measure M would stop nuisance evictions (which it doesn’t) and allow endless subleasing (which it doesn’t) but those have long been debunked, so why the worry?
Read the full op-ed here.