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Two wrongful disciplinary actions are finally resolved after days of testimony before a neutral arbitrator, who concluded Monarch Services had no just cause to terminate Karen Ross in 2019. A wrongful suspension imposed on Yesenia Melgoza-Fernandez is also now resolved.

When Monarch’s Board of Directors refused to listen to reason, SEIU 521 invoked our contract arbitration clause to defend Karen and Yesenia. Ultimately, the arbitrator ordered progressive discipline be applied in accordance with our contract. Under progressive discipline, employees must be forewarned of the consequences of breaking a certain rule, and then be given an opportunity to correct the problem behavior.

Management fired Karen, falsely claiming she was repeatedly insubordinate, which the arbitrator said he thought was “a stretch.” The arbitrator concluded progressive discipline should have been and should be applied. Monarch Services failed its employees and its community.

Unions defend members from wrongful terminations—one of many reasons we must keep fighting for strong contracts with on-the-job protections.

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