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Back to Victories

Posted on July 5, 2022

CED On Your Side

SEIU 521 members filed a grievance against the County of Mariposa for working out-of-class pay. After months of battling Mariposa County over the matter, and as we prepared to go to arbitration, the County decided to settle resulting in years back pay. In addition, the County is working to reclass the employees into higher-paying classifications to address the matter going forward.

“We are so happy to have had the support of our Union. These things are happening to employees every day throughout Mariposa County, and unfortunately, some employees take the abuse in silence. Together with SEIU 521, we know that if we fight, we can win!”

SEIU 521 Members Kerri Gibbons (left) and Carolyn Coder (right),
Registered Environmental Health Specialists from Mariposa County