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Posted on Feb. 13, 2014. Updated on March 4, 2014
CED On Your Side

Join SEIU Local 521’s Grievance / Discipline Appeal Panel

The Grievance/Discipline Appeal Panel was created by the Executive Board of SEIU Local 521 to ensure that members have an additional course of action should the Contract Enforcement Department (CED) choose not to pursue a case.
The Contract Enforcement Department is responsible for the representation of all grievances and disciplines throughout our Local. If the CED determines not to pursue a case, the aggrieved member(s) has an opportunity to appeal the decision to the Grievance/Discipline Appeal Panel. This panel works to ensure that the CED has acted in a fair and reasonable manner. The panel also helps ensure that members’ resources are spent wisely, and not on cases that do not have merit.
I’m interested. What can I expect when I get involved?
Meetings are scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance and begin at 5:30 p.m. with dinner provided. Hearings usually conclude by 7:30 p.m. Each panel consists of three stewards from various chapters of SEIU 521. Panelists are notified in advance when their presence is requested.
On average, members who serve on the panel can expect to review some six cases per year.
Panelists are trained to evaluate the merits of grievances or disciplinary appeals, and do not have any direct knowledge or interest in the case being heard.

Interested? Attend our Appeal Panel Trainings!

TUESDAY, MARCH 11 at 6:00 p.m. – Santa Cruz Office ONLY
517 Mission Street, Santa Cruz
Please RSVP to Carmen Hernandez at no later than Friday, March 7.
TUESDAY, MARCH 18 at 5:30 p.m. – Via video-conference at SEIU Local 521 Offices in Bakersfield, Fresno, Salinas, San Jose and Visalia
Please RSVP to Carmen Hernandez at no later than Thursday, March 13.
Our CED staff looks forward to meeting you at these trainings, and current Appeal Panel Members are also encouraged to attend.
Print and distribute flyer (PDF)