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ballor-boxesSEIU 521 is a democratically-run, member-driven organization. This means members govern and are at the heart of every decision in our union. From January 7-17, 2019, SEIU 521 members voted to choose our Localwide Officers, Executive Board Delegates, and Trustees for the 2019-2022 term of office, as well as to amend the SEIU 521 Bylaws. (There were no changes to the dues structure.)

The Officers, Executive Board Delegates, and Trustees are active members representing every division in our union. Guided by SEIU International Constitution and Bylaws, they make decisions about our union’s budget, policies, and other organizational issues.

The ballot count was held at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 17, in SEIU 521’s San Jose office and via video-conference at our offices in Bakersfield, Fresno, Salinas, and Visalia.
Below are the results of the ballot count, certified by the American Arbitration Association.

Riko Mendez sworn in as Chief Elected Officer
Riko Mendez was sworn in as Chief Elected Officer, immediately after the ballot count.

Chief Elected Officer: Riko Mendez
President: Alysia Bonner, Supervising Office Assistant I, Fresno County
First Vice President: Mullissa Willette, Exemption Investigator, Santa Clara County
Secretary: Lupe Gutierrez, Patient Services Assistant II, San Mateo County
Treasurer: RoseAnn Dominguez, Property Specialist II, Fresno Housing Authority

  • Paul Klunder, Senior Paralegal, Santa Clara County
  • Joy A. Hall Villareal, Office Assistant II, Fresno County

AFRAM (African-American) Caucus Delegate: Arvelia Via Cooper-Whigham, Behavioral Health Admitting Interviewer II, Fresno County
APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance) Caucus Delegate: Karen Nakatani, Retired Member, San Mateo County
Alternate: Myrna M. Bravo, Retired Member
Latino Caucus Delegate: Rachel Subega, Retired Member

New officers, delegates and trustees who attended the ballot count were sworn in, in person in San Jose and via video-conference in Bakersfield, Fresno, Salinas, and Visalia. The rest of the new officers, delegates, and trustees will be sworn in during the training session in March.

Region 1 Vice President: Tammy Dhanota, Public Communications Specialist II, Valley Transportation Authority
Region 1 Trustee: Trina Moehring, Legal Clerk, Santa Clara County
San Mateo County Delegates:

  • Lucy Latu, Patient Services Assistant II
  • Mercedes Segura, Office Assistant II

Santa Clara County Delegates:

  • “Armas” Ruben Armas, Medical Assistant
  • Lorena Briones, Social Worker II
  • Connie Chew, Senior Paralegal
  • Janet Diaz, Patient Business Services Clerk
  • Carmella Disopa, Revenue Collection Officer
  • Jason Dorsey, General Maintenance Mechanic III

San Jose Office Composite Delegates:

  • Cindy Macy, Instructor Day Program I, Hope Services
  • Maisha Willis, Timekeeping Tech, Valley Transportation Authority

Region 2 Vice President: Alicia Metters, Social Worker III, Monterey County
Monterey County Delegate: Yvette Carreon, Behavioral Health Unit Supervisor
Salinas Office Composite Delegate: Victor Baez, Senior Urban Forestry Worker, City of Salinas

Ballot count by the American Association
Ballot count by the American Arbitration Association

Region 3 Vice President: Kate Selover, Child Support Officer II, Stanislaus County
Stanislaus County Delegate: Renee Crawford, Social Worker IV
Region 4 Vice President: Riley Talford, Supervising Juvenile Correctional Officer, Fresno County
Fresno USD/FASTA Delegates:

  • Debbie Acosta, Swimming Pool Operator, Fresno USD
  • Sergio Garcia, Substitute Teacher, FASTA

Fresno County Delegates:

  • Lorenzo Lambaren, Social Services Program Supervisor
  • Lucia Sapiens, Social Services Program Supervisor
  • Patricia Strattman Clay, Eligibility Worker III
  • Alternate: Ron Emenheiser, Eligibility Worker III

Fresno Office Composite Delegate: Theresa Vasquez, Property Assistant, Fresno Housing Authority
Region 5 Vice President: Sonja Bennett, Administrative Coordinator, Kern County
Region 5 Trustee: Greg Gomez, IT System Administrator II, Tulare County
Kern County Delegates:

  • Paul Adams, Information Systems Specialist III
  • Jeanine Adams, Appraiser II
  • Susan Price, Human Services Technician III
  • Tiffany Sagbohan, Probation Program Specialist

Kern County Courts Delegate: No votes – Not confirmed.
Tulare County Delegate: Rosemary A. Ruiz, Child Support Specialist III
City of Bakersfield Delegates: 

  • Jason Suchin, Motor Sweeper Operator
  • Alternate: Bernard Daverin, Solid Waste Equipment Operator

Tiebreaker results for the City of Bakersfield Delegates – January 31, 2019
Bakersfield Office Composite Delegate: Corrine Rojo, Service Coordinator Specialist, Kern Regional Center
Retired Delegates:

  • Carol Garvey, Retired Member
  • Brian O’Neill, Retired Member
  • Alternate: Gwyndolyn Harshaw, Retired Member

SEIU 521 Bylaws Amendments: Adopted
(There were no changes to the dues structure.)

Vaughn Flaming, SEIU 521 Election Committee Chair

SEIU 521 Election Committee
Vaughn Flaming, Elections Committee Chair – Santa Clara County
Emma Gordon, Elections Committee – Santa Cruz County
Tonie Johns, Elections Committee – Monterey County
Raul Carbajal, Elections Committee – Monterey County
Brian Murillo, Elections Committee – Fresno County
Gail Lancaster, Elections Committee – Retired Members
Please e-mail elections@seiu521.org if you have any questions or concerns.