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521 Eligibility Workers from Fresno, Kern, Monterey, and Santa Clara counties are heading to Sacramento Tuesday, June 19 to speak in support of protecting our eligibility services.
Under health care reform, about 3 million more people will become eligible for Medi-Cal by 2014.
This will create big challenges for Eligibility Workers who help families navigate through the complicated enrollment process for social services. Talks are underway for how eligibility services will be reshaped, which could potentially include contracting out jobs.
That’s why Eligibility Workers across 521 are banding together: To have a voice in the changes and shape how eligibility services will be provided.
On June 19 workers will attend the California Health Benefit Exchange board meeting in Sacramento to highlight that our counties provide the most efficient and effective workforce for providing quality eligibility enrollment services.
Join the Eligibility Workers Industry Council. Information: www.seiu521.org/ew
Read a letter to the San Jose Mercury News from an Eligibility Worker.